Define the Magic

a good song is like a diary

recording your stories

a good song is a hug

when you need warmth

a good song is like a plane ticket

that can take you to anywhere around the world

a good song is the hot meal in winter

when you need it

a good song sings the soul of wind

that you may or may not hear

a good song joins your life

appreciating the same journey you are on

a good song dances

as the same beat as you do

a good song travels with you

through time, through space, through universe

a good song troubles you, confuses you

yet encourages you stimulates your potentials

a good song silences your world

2 thoughts on “Define the Magic

  1. This comparisons you make in this poem remind me of the power and influence music can have on our lives, from feeling understood (A good song beats to the same drum as you do) to providing an escape (A good song silences your world).

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